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 Graduate Tribute!


Gabriela Aguilar

Human Development, B.S.

My experiences during my two years at UCD will always be unforgettable. I knew it was going to be hard when I first started and I was not wrong, but hard does not mean impossible. That is what kept me going throughout my sleepless nights & my breakdowns. I never gave up, I kept pushing. I have come across many great opportunities in Davis that has helped me grow as an individual. I will forever be thankful for holding a position as an executive officer in Nursing club along with all the wonderful friendships I made. Now my journey here has come to an end and I’ll forever cherish every moment. I did it!


Savannah Boyd

Nutrition Science, B.S. w/ an emphasis in Public Health

My time at UC Davis FLEW by, but in the best way! I struck a good balance between work (all-nighters at Shields Library, working on publishing a research paper, classes like OCHEM...) and play (late nights at Bistro, dinners with my lovely friends from Nursing Club, sorority formals). It felt like a whirlwind, but I know I made memories and friends that will last a lifetime.


Tyler Gibson

Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, B.S.

My time at UC Davis has been a journey that I was proud to embark upon. From every humble failure to each hard-fought success, I was glad to have learned the many life lessons provided during my time here. More importantly, it was the lessons taught outside the classroom that were most valuable, as experience is one of the few things acquired over time and not in a book. Here is to the Class of 2020 and all who helped shape me along the way, and until next time.


Lauren Hom

Human Development, B.S.

I am so thankful for the past 4 years at UC Davis!! I have learned so much, met so many amazing people, and had the opportunities of a lifetime. I want especially want to thank all the people that I have worked with and met through at Nursing Club at UC Davis. They have done and will do inspiring and amazing things in the future. I congratulate all of the Class of 2020 graduates and I can’t wait to see where life takes us!


Valerie Lam

Human Development, B.S. w/ a minor in Human Physiology

UC Davis has been such an incredible experience for me. I am so thankful for every opportunity I have had to learn and grow from mentors, friends, and internships. During this time, a wide range of organizations, such as Nursing Club at UC Davis, VN CARES, and the UC Davis Fire Department, have shaped my Davis experience and career aspirations for nursing. Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me along the way. Congrats to my fellow Class of 2020, we did it! Now, onto nursing school! ❤


Abigail Ortiz

Human Development, B.S.

Looking back at my four years at UCD, I have made lasting friendships, realized my intended career, and had an amazing stressful time. But I could not wish for anything else! Moreover, I would like to thank my friends and family for their support and encouragement. And I wish everyone the best and I cannot wait to celebrate this moment. Thank you, Nursing Club and UCD!


Katrina Perez

Human Development, B.S. w/ a minor in Public Health

My greatest takeaway from my years in Davis is to keep doing what you love with people you love! School is chaotic, and it will never feel like you have enough time to do anything other than study. It’s so important to make time for yourself, whether it’s grabbing a bite to eat at your favorite restaurant, learning a new recipe, or taking a trip with friends. Self-care is the best care!


Adele Phillips

Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, B.S.

My time at UC Davis has flown by and I can’t believe I am graduating! It seems like just yesterday that I was getting lost on campus and almost getting hit by bikes. I’m so glad I got to spend the last couple of quarters at UC Davis with Nursing Club as this really helped me to feel confident going into Nursing after I graduate.


Stefanie A. Sanchez

Human Development, B.S. w/ a minor in Education

My time at UC Davis has helped me become the person I am today. Being able to become independent, 5 hours away from home made me realize that family can be found anywhere you decide to look for it. Thanks to all the non-profit organizations (Mujeres Ayudando La Raza, Camp Kesem, SHIFA Community Clinic) and the clubs I was involved with (Nursing Club), I have been able to branch out to make connections while finding a family in every aspect that interests me. Although my time at UC Davis is coming to an end, the memories I made with every individual I met will always be in my heart!


Anita Sentha

Human Development, B.S.

The last 3 years have been a roller coaster of emotions. From the stress of midterm season to the excitement of picnic day, I feel like I’ve been through it all! Davis has brought me some of my closest friends, favorite memories, and even introduced me to so many new opportunities. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today, if it weren’t for the trials and tribulations I’ve gone through here in college and I couldn’t be any more thankful for it. As my time in Davis is coming to an end, I just wanna say this little cow town holds a special place in my heart.

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Thank you, Class of 2020! We wish you the best!

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